
Communion with the Triune God is unavailable, but you can change that!

Does it make a difference that the God Christians claim to worship has revealed himself as triune-the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit? Does this fundamental truth of biblical authority have an effect on a believer's personal fellowship with God? Puritan theologian John Owen recognized the great need for every believer to understand the triune God. Communion with the Triune God revisits the truth...

access to the Father (Eph. 2:18)—into his love; finds out that he is love, as having a design, a purpose of love, a good pleasure toward us from eternity—a delight, a complacency, a goodwill in Christ—all cause of anger and aversation22 being taken away. The soul being thus, by faith through Christ, and by him, brought into the bosom of God, into a comfortable persuasion and spiritual perception and sense of his love, there reposes23 and rests itself. And this is the first thing the saints do,
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